Adrenal Fatigue/Exhaustion

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Symptoms to look for:

  • Blood pressure: High or low blood pressure are signs to be aware of. Low blood pressure can often have the symptom of light-headedness associated with it.
  • Food cravings and weight changes: Abnormal weight gain in the abdomen and thighs. Do you have cravings for salty or sugary foods, sometimes feeling uncontrollable?
  • Energy: Unable to stop, always on speed forward, ongoing fatigue, lack of stamina, feeling tired and wired much of the time. Lack of get up and go.
  • Emotions and coping ability: Inability to deal with day to day stress, feeling overwhelmed much of the time, struggling to get through the day, driven, having a very “short fuse”, anxiety attacks, and/or unable to reframe ones thinking.
  • Thinking: Mentally foggy, fuzzy thinking, inability to stay focused on one task, chronic racing thoughts.
  • Immune response: Frequent infections, taking a longer time than others to recover from illness or infections or trauma.
  • Sleep: Inability to fall asleep or falling asleep well but waking up nightly. Sleeping soundly but waking up exhausted.
  • Hormones/Libido: Worsening of perimenopausal symptoms, low libido, severe PMS.


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Under Stress Hormones such as Pregnenolone, Progesterone and DHEA Are Frequently Converted In an Attempt To Balance Cortisol, DHEA and Aldosterone.

Our Protocol

A comprehensive evaluation includes a computer analyzed symptom assessment, adrenal/cortisol hormone salivary testing and if needed additional blood or hormone biomarkers that indicate multi-organ dysfunction, will produce the most specific evaluation of your body’s metabolism and hormone balance and allow us to design the most effective treatment protocol specifically for you that includes, powerfully effective hormone, prohormone and bioidentical hormone supplementation, nutritional, amino acid, vitamin, mineral supplementation and guidance and specific lifestyle changes that produce amazing results!

Salivary Adrenal Stress Test Explanation



Reverse Stress Induced Sleep Disorders

A comprehensive evaluation of your body’s hormone levels affecting circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) involves a comprehensive assessment of your cortisol, adrenaline, melatonin and blood sugar levels controlling hormone levels, evaluation of dietary intake and nutrition and sleep hygiene and proper evaluation of your nose and upper airways to make sure you may not have obstructive apnea which is another cause for sleep disorders.

It is important to normalize your Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal proper communication and health which we accomplish with very powerful amino acid modulating supplementation and treatment.

Our program achieves your hormone balance taking into consideration all aspects of creating and maintaining healthy sleep.

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