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Our Testosterone Boosting Estrogen Reduction Program Is Based On Accurate Assessment of All Of Your Metabolism Function and Hormone Balance, Powerful Natural Hormone Modulators and Potent Effective Supplementation (Amino Acid, Vitamin/Mineral, Enzyme Therapies) and Nutritional Guidance!

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Fix Testosterone & Estrogen Issues

Low Testosterone and High Estrogen
Low Testosterone and high estrogen (estradiol predominately) is a condition most men over 40 begin to experience and occurs for many reasons. Some factors for low testoterone and high estrogen levels are: high conversion of testosterone to estrogen, development of high fat stores in the abdomen (fat cells make estrogen), eating estrogen mimicking foods (microwaving in plastic, plastic has many molecules that mimick estrogen molecules tricking the body into reacting to the “false estrogen”), over eating creating abdominal fat stores and promoting the release of excess insulin and cortisol, both which suppress the bodies production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.. Growth hormone stimulates the testes to make testosterone. Lack of sleep will do the same thing. The result is a hormone imbalance that affects your health in so many ways.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms
As men age, their testosterone levels decrease naturally. However, testosterone that decreases too much or too quickly may result in hypogonadism. This condition, characterized by the body’s inability to produce this important hormone, can cause many symptoms, including:

  • Excess abdominal fat
  • loss of libido
  • drop in sperm production
  • erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • fatigue
  • gynecomastia (the development of female-type breast tissue)
  • cardiovascular issues
  • increased risk of stroke
  • weight gain
  • prostate problems

Estrogen, primarily thought of as a female hormone, ensures that the male body functions properly. There are three types of estrogen: estriol, estrone, and estradiol. Estradiol is the primary type of estrogen active in men. It plays a vital role in keeping men’s joints and brains healthy. It also allows sperm to develop properly. But Too Much Estrodial Can Really Affect You!

Restoring Balance
You can take a number of steps to restore a balance in your estrogen levels. For example, if your excess estrogen relates to low testosterone, you may benefit from a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like an estrogen blocker.
These natural, everyday steps might help you control your estrogen levels:

  • Lose weight. More importantly, lose body fat. Excess body fat is linked to excess estrogen.
  • Add cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts contain compounds shown to regulate estrogen. They also contain zinc, which helps to increase testosterone.
  • Avoid environmental estrogens. It’s impossible to avoid all environmental estrogens. However, avoiding meat products from animals raised with synthetic hormones is a good place to start. Plastic food wraps or food containers can leach estrogen into food. Shampoos and toiletries that contain parabens also include estrogens. Steer clear of these products when possible.
  • Do not eat soy products. Soy is high in phyto-estrogens. Many scientists believe that soy products like soy beans, soy sauce, tofu, and soy milk increase estrogen levels in men and women.
  • Reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol interferes with liver and kidney function, which in turn affects the body’s ability to regulate estrogen.
  • Regulate your sleep. Go to bed by 10:00 pm and try not to get extra stimulation from electronics or media at least 1 hour before bedtime (prevents brain relaxation).

Try Natural Estrogen Blockers in addition to lifestyle changes, these natural products may help block estrogen:

  • Wild nettle root: Nettle root or nettle leaves are often used to produce prostate medicines. Nettles contain compounds that act as natural estrogen blockers. Regular supplements can regulate production of the hormone.
  • Chrysin: This flavonoid is found in passionflowers, honey, and bee propolis. Proponents argue that it blocks estrogen and increases testosterone. However, others claim that there’s no evidence that it alters hormone levels.
  • Maca: Maca is a cruciferous plant that originates in Peru. Proponents say it has a host of benefits, including enhancing fertility and blocking estrogen in men. Although maca does contain many vitamins and valuable nutrients, there’s little scientific evidence that it plays a role in regulating hormones.
  • Grape seed: This extract has been shown to act as an aromatase inhibitor (estrogen blocker) in women with breast cancer. Men may find similar benefits when taking it as a nutritional supplement.

Pharmaceutical Estrogen Blockers
Certain pharmaceutical products can have an estrogen-blocking effect in men. Typically designed for use by women, they’re gaining popularity among men—particularly those who wish to have children. Testosterone supplements may lead to sterility. But prescription estrogen blockers, such as Clomid, can restore hormone balance without affecting fertility.

Some medications known as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)—commonly marketed as breast cancer treatments— also may be used to block estrogen in men. These drugs can be used for a variety of conditions related to low testosterone, including:

  • infertility
  • low sperm count
  • gynecomastia
  • osteoporosis

These medications should be used selectively, based on the condition being treated. Examples include:

  • Tamoxifen
  • Arimidex
  • Letrozole
  • Raloxifene

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